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XL Bully
Important Deadlines

XL Bully Owners Guide

Selling, exchanging, gifting, or breeding XL bully dogs is not allowed,  Rescue centres cannot take them in anymore.

Banned dogs in the UK


  1. Pit Bull Terrier 

  2. Japanese Tosa 

  3. Dogo Argentino 

  4. Fila Brasileiro 

  5. Xl bullies

The government exemption scheme has registered over 55,000 XL Bully dogs as of February 27, 2024.

rope toys

XL Bully Government Exemption Rules

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Follow the government guidelines and take your time to read the information. You and your XL American Bully will be just fine.



Certificate of Exemption Requirements:


A. Keep the dog at the same address as the certificate holder, except for a maximum of 30 days in a year


B. Notify the Index of any change of address, excluding changes within the 30-day period mentioned in paragraph A


C. Notify the Index of the dog's death or export


D. Maintain suitable third-party insurance for the lifetime of the dog


E. Keep the dog muzzled and on a lead in public places. Muzzling must adequately prevent biting, and the lead must be held by someone at least 16 years old


F. Keep the dog in sufficiently secure conditions to prevent the dog's escape


G. Provide access for reading the dog's microchip on request by a police constable or authorised local authority officer


H. Provide confirmation of suitable third-party insurance to a police constable or authorised local authority officer within 5 days of their request


I. Provide the Certificate of Exemption to a police constable or authorised local authority officer within 5 days of their request


J. Provide evidence the dog is neutered by 30 June 2024, if over 12 months old on 31 January 2024, or by 31 December 2024, if under 12 months old on 31 January 2024


K. Provide microchip number by 27 March 2024, if not given at time of application


I understand these requirements must be complied with throughout the lifetime of the dog, or by the date specified in the condition, for the dog to remain exempted.



There are lots of reasons a dog may need to wear a muzzle 

  1. For safety when a dog is frightened, ill or injured.

  2. Vets and trainers recommend it when they are learning not to eat potentially dangerous objects, like stones or litter.

  3. Some dogs wear one because they need space and can behave reactively, and people tend to give dogs a wide berth if they're wearing a muzzle.

  4. Your XL Bully has a licence and conditions to wear one by law (Dangerous dog act)

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